Scottish Government Study into Short-Term Letting

The Scottish Government is carrying out a study into the supply and demand for short-term letting in Scotland.

The briefing note states:
“Scottish Ministers have recently signalled that they wish to set up an independent expert panel to advise them on the opportunities that the collaborative economy brings as well as the challenges that it will present.  One of the key sectors within the collaborative economy, which connects individuals or communities via online platforms, thereby enabling the sharing or provision of goods and services, assets and resources without the need for ownership, is peer to peer accommodation.
Scottish Government have also been receiving an increasing volume of correspondence about the effects short-terms lets are having on the housing market in Scotland. To help understand the drivers behind this and gather comparative data about the multiple sources short-terms lets are being marketed through they have commissioned specialist housing consultants to provide them with scoping research.  This research will help inform the expert panel on whether collaborative platforms are affecting Scotland’s housing market in comparison to traditional models.”
Download our submission to the scoping exercise: Scoping Research on Supply and Demand for short term lets in Scotland.