ASSC issues statement following the closure of Scottish Government’s consultation on short-term lets

Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (ASSC) Chief Executive, Fiona Campbell, said:

“Scotland’s traditional self-catering sector contributes well over £723million to Scotland’s economy every single year.

“As the trade body representing this valuable sector, the ASSC is deeply sceptical of the rush to impose constrictive regulations that will stifle our industry and have an adverse effect on the livelihoods of many hardworking Scots.

“After extensive consultation with our members, we have produced and submitted our response to the Scottish Government’s consultation into short-term rentals which we feel represents the concerns of our membership accurately and provides a valuable industry perspective to the debate.

“The ASSC is hopeful that by continuing to work in good faith with all stakeholders we can secure a conclusion that is satisfactory for all.”


“The horse has bolted,” says Fiona Campbell. “Now, we need to train the horse.”

Excerpts from an Article in BBC News

Today sees the close of a Scottish government consultation on what has become one of the most conspicuous pressure points – the sharp growth in short term lets.

Landlords and those who rely on short-term lets have been fighting a fierce defensive action to ensure the consultation does not lead to “a sledgehammer to crack a nut”.

That’s the fear of Fiona Campbell, who leads Scotland’s short term letting association. For her, ownership of a small number of homes for holiday lets is a legitimate small business, deserving of respect like any other. These lets are not run as merely a hobby or some extra income for the already well-off.

And the economic impact is substantial. AirBnB, by no coincidence, recently issued figures for 2018 that showed owners of Scottish properties who let through the website took £162m from doing so.

They assume every visitor to such a property goes out and spends £100 per day on food, drink, entertainment and visitor attractions, so the value spirals up to nearly £500m. A number like that is not one that ministers, in responding to the consultation, can simply ignore.

Fiona Campbell pushes back at each of the claims being made by those pushing for tighter regulation on STLs.

On claims that it’s taking away scarce housing from local people, she counters that councils and central government should have been building or allowing more social housing. Some 79,000 homes are reckoned to be lying empty – though not necessarily in the locations visitors might want to rent, let alone homeless people.

On claims that whole tenement blocks have been changed for the worse, Fiona, says complaints are there but the numbers are low, the data isn’t clear, and policy should not be set until it is.

Edinburgh council wants a licensing regime. That’s because the planning route to reform has been closed off, for now at least.

Any hopes from campaigners that a much tougher regime on planning controls could be introduced to tackle STLs were dashed in the complex voting frenzy at Holyrood that saw amendments decided on what is now the Planning Act 2019.

The Greens’ Andy Whiteman pushed for a change that would require anyone running such a business to have the property recognised as such within planning law.

It was defeated in favour of an amendment backed by Conservatives that allows councils to impose a licensing regime, but only in housing pressure spots. For that, the more detailed legislation had already been put in place, to deal with high rental costs.

So if not planning, registration seems the least that can be expected, and possibly licensing. That’s until technology brings along the next disruptive website.

“The horse has bolted,” says Fiona Campbell. “Now, we need to train the horse.”

Read Full Article Here

The ASSC Submits Response to Scottish Government’s Short-Term Lets Consultation

Today the ASSC has submitted the following response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Short-Term Lets.

ASSC Response to STL Consutlation

The ASSC now needs your voice to be heard

We are urging any Members who have not yet engaged with the consultation to follow 2 separate Calls to Action:

1, Respond to the Consultation

Please respond to the consultation by the closing date of Monday 22nd July (extended date).

To assist with your submission, we have provided a background briefing. Please use this for reference:

Main Points for Consultation Response.

You do not need to answer all of the questions, just those which you feel you can offer your own personal insight and experience.

You can respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation here.

2, Take part in ASSC’s Research

The ASSC is helping to contribute towards Scottish Government research on the impacts of short-term lets on communities in Scotland.

ASSC Member Research 

Deadline for the survey is 10am Friday 19th July

Thank you!