The ASSC Submits Response to Scottish Government’s Short-Term Lets Consultation

Today the ASSC has submitted the following response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Short-Term Lets.

ASSC Response to STL Consutlation

The ASSC now needs your voice to be heard

We are urging any Members who have not yet engaged with the consultation to follow 2 separate Calls to Action:

1, Respond to the Consultation

Please respond to the consultation by the closing date of Monday 22nd July (extended date).

To assist with your submission, we have provided a background briefing. Please use this for reference:

Main Points for Consultation Response.

You do not need to answer all of the questions, just those which you feel you can offer your own personal insight and experience.

You can respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation here.

2, Take part in ASSC’s Research

The ASSC is helping to contribute towards Scottish Government research on the impacts of short-term lets on communities in Scotland.

ASSC Member Research 

Deadline for the survey is 10am Friday 19th July

Thank you!