Are you Committed to Quality?

Are you Committed to Quality?

Are you part of the ASSC’s Committed to Quality Scheme?  The CTQ scheme is free and on completing the declaration form, all marketing members, including members who have QA from VisitScotland, have the ASSC CTQ logo on their EmbraceScotland webpage and they can also have the logo to use on their own website.

There are currently 16 CTQ forms waiting to be completed – all you need to do is:

Sign an Annual Declaration: The signed declaration assures your commitment to providing high quality self-catering accommodation.

Demonstrate Continuing Professional Development: This should not been seen as an onerous undertaking.  Members only need to provide details of 4 hours per annum which might include reading the member’s newsletter, details of any tourism events, networking meetings, conferences or training undertaken recently, or planned, including any ways that they stay up to date with industry trends.

Participate in a Review System: Participate in a recognised independent review system, providing guest feedback ie TripAdvisor, UpFrontReviews or MyCottageHoliday (free).

Review Sites – MyCottageHoliday offer a free listing and are continuing to make improvements to their website. There was an issue with people having to register to submit a review but MCH have now changed this. We have been assured that they are working hard to sort out any problems and want members using the scheme to let them know of any issues.

If you have any questions or queries please contact Eleanor McBain on 01462 894483 or email