ASSC Launches ‘Autumn Talks’: Tickets Live


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unparalleled challenges and uncertainty for us all. While our sector has behaved in an exemplary fashion, we’ve had to take some difficult decisions. The latest of which is to cancel our Annual Conference and Exhibition, which was due to be held on 27 October 2020 at the Glasgow Hilton.

Despite this disappointing news, we remain resolute in our aims of continuing to share knowledge, build upon the extensive support already given to our membership, facilitating continued networking and collaboration, and continuing to support our members. We have therefore decided to organise a series of exciting and informative weekly webinars – to be called “Autumn Talks” – commencing Tuesday 1 September 2020 at 11am for five weeks.

BOOK YOUR TICKET for the Launch Event HERE.

Attendance at the Autumn Talks will be free to ASSC members as a way of continuing to add value to the already cost-effective membership. Attendance will be £20 including VAT to non-ASSC members. We will also extend invitations to our valued external partner organisations, including the Professional Association of Self-Caterers, Wales Tourism Alliance, as well as to other industry associations and organisations in order maintain our commitment to the wider tourism industry at a time at which they need our support more than ever.

The webinar format will be based around 2 or 3 maximum presentations followed by a Questions & Answers session open to all participants, during a one-hour session.

Our first Autumn Talk on Tuesday 1st September is entitled LEADERSHIP, RECOVERY AND OPPORTUNITIES 

We are delighted to announce the speakers:

Malcolm Roughead, Chief Executive of VisitScotland, will participate. He will provide us with a ”State of the Nation” update for tourism in Scotland. After an understandably anxious start, communities across Scotland have begun to welcome visitors back, and the tourism industry is starting on the long road to recovery, putting the safety of their guests and staff at the heart of everything they do.

Marc Crothall, Chief Executive of The Scottish Tourism Alliance has also kindly agreed to join this significant Talk speaking about the role of STA and how together with the tourism sector groups such as ASSC and UK counterparts they have been effective in getting our industry voice heard louder than the rest and get the traction and the many positive responses from governments to date – “Leadership & Collaboration – is a must to drive recovery and our future success!”.

Fiona Campbell, Chief Executive of ASSC, will Chair the session and provide an overview of the self-catering sector: the impact of Covid-19; upcoming threats to the sector and opportunities during economic recovery and beyond.

In addition, we are anticipating the programme to cover the following topics (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Optimising marketing opportunities through collaboration
  • Dynamic pricing and flexible cancellation terms
  • Answering ongoing queries and considerations surrounding cleaning and laundry requirements in light of Covd-19
  • Re-booting your business via social media and digital marketing channels
  • Securing more bookings and improve owner margins
  • Tax & financial advice

Autumn Talks Programme

BOOK YOUR TICKET for the Launch Event HERE.

We look forward to seeing you in September

Key Sponsor

ASSC invites you to grab a cuppa with a Tunnock’s Teacake and sit back, relax and enjoy our series of Autumn Talks


“Thomas Tunnock Ltd is delighted to be associated with and support the ASSC. We view this sector as hugely important to our economy and believe it has fantastic growth potential, even more so now that more and more people are choosing to holiday at home.”

Autumn Talks is supported by