Scottish Enterprise Survey

ASSC is an active participant in the Government’s Expert Advisory Panel on the Collaborative Economy and has recently launched a new Code of Conduct for members as we work towards alleviating the need for formal legislation in this sector which could affect the traditional holiday self-catering industry.

This week we received a request from Aileen Lamb, the Tourism Manager at Scottish Enterprise regarding a survey by Scottish Enterprise, Scotland’s main economic development agency, and partners (The Scottish Tourism Alliance & The Scottish Government) on the role of the collaborative economy in Scottish tourism.

Aileen Lamb explains: “The collaborative economy, sometimes known as the ‘sharing economy’ connects individuals or communities via online platforms, enabling the sharing or provision of goods and services. In recent years, platforms that offer such connections for renting accommodation or arranging meals, tours and other tourism activities have become a popular way for people to plan their travel.

“The Tourism Sector team at Scottish Enterprise are keen to understand the role that the collaborative economy plays in Scotland’s tourism sector today, and how this could be strengthened for the benefit of Scotland as a tourism destination.”

This study will also contribute to the evidence base for the Scottish Expert Advisory Panel on the Collaborative Economy, set up by the Scottish Government earlier this year and we would ask all our members to complete the survey: in the next few days.

This survey will be available online until 12:00 BST on Friday 29th September 2017. The results of this survey will be compiled in a report, which will be made publicly available from late November 2017. All responses given will be confidential and used only for the purposes of this research.
If you would like to receive a copy of the report, please contact Aileen Lamb directly.