Scottish Agritourism Conference 2021

Scottish Agritourism is the official body for the agritourism sector in Scotland. Providing leadership and a strong voice to represent and grow the sector.

The Scottish Agritourism conference takes place on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th November 2021 at Perth Concert Hall.

Scottish Agritourism is a close-knit network of quality agritourism and quality rural businesses scattered throughout all parts of the Scottish countryside who offer locals and visitors alike high quality and memorable experiences, with accommodation.

Scottish Agritourism is more than a lobbying organisation.

  • They bring together a strong and dynamic network of entrepreneurial farmers and rural businesses together in a Business Club and offer a trusted peer-to-peer bank of knowledge and support.  You can access instant support on a daily basis from people who are running real businesses.
  • They are leading with Visit Scotland on work to measure the economic impact of the agritourism sector, to measure future growth and to support the development of a pipeline of agritourism businesses.
  • As a member your business will benefit from having your business marketed using the Go Rural brand, taking part in campaigns with Visit Scotland’s support and being listed on  has full details of the programme.

The first day is a showcase of innovation and product development from the Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Farm programme with a number of people sharing their agritourism business story.

The second day will see the launch of Scotland’s Agritourism Strategy by Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Islands, Mairi Gougeon. The following sessions will focus on agritourism development internationally, the recent Visit Scotland growth tracker results, and an insights session on consumer demand for agritourism.  The conference takes place in Perth Concert Hall.

There is a sector dinner on the evening of Tuesday 9th November in the Royal George Hotel, Perth following a drinks reception sponsored by The Gin Bothy and Ogilvy Distillery.

As well as attending in person you can also register to join from home. You can attend one or both days of the conference. To register please do so here

Scottish Tourism Leadership Programme (STLP)

The Scottish Tourism Leadership Programme is part of ten programmes announced by the First Minister in support of the Tourism Recovery Plan. It was developed to support business and community-led tourism enterprises to take the lead in driving recovery in those places across Scotland which depend on visitor spend to create and support jobs and in many rural areas, to retain important local services and encourage entrepreneurship along the way.

Delivered across Scotland, STLP, which is a competitive application process, offers high-quality, accredited leadership training and ongoing professional development, giving individuals the opportunity to:

  • Develop personal leadership skills and expertise
  • Gain insight from fellow participants and learn from industry and destination experts
  • Become part of a growing national network of people working together to develop innovative tourism opportunities

The courses being delivered as part of this programme include:

  • Introduction to Tourism Leadership being led by Scottish Enterprise and delivered by Edinburgh Napier University. Eight courses will run throughout 2021/22, some of which will be customised around specialist sub-sectors and in line with our Business Plan ambitions to work more intensively in some regions.
  • Communities Leading in Tourism an online personal development programme led by Highlands and Islands Enterprise helping communities shape the future of local tourism. This is available on a pan Scotland basis and although the first cohort is now closed to applicants, individuals can register their interest for the second pan Scotland cohort today.
  • The Destination Leaders Programme, a fully funded course being led by Edinburgh Napier on behalf of the STLP *partners, brings together like-minded individuals to gain the knowledge and skills to work effectively as a destination leader by learning about international best practice, insights and networks. It is open to individuals from tourism businesses and organisations across Scotland with a key and active role in the business.
    Three cohorts will be delivered across Scotland, starting in October 2021, with the application process now open.

Cohort 1 – Glasgow and Edinburgh – commencing 27th October

Cohort 2 – Aberdeen and Dundee

Cohort 3 – Pan Scotland

All courses are supported by the Scottish Government and are being offered free of charge to participants.

*STLP partners include Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland

COVID-19 on the premises

In the event that a guest develops symptoms whilst staying away from home, they should immediately book a test through NHS Inform or, if they can’t get online by phoning 0800 028 2816.

In accordance with Test and Protect, people with symptoms are required to self-isolate and book a test, and whilst awaiting this test result, everyone in their household should isolate. If the test is negative, everyone can end isolation. If the test is positive, the index case (or person who has tested positive for Covid) should continue to self-isolate and the NHS Test and Protect team will be in touch to start contact tracing. The household/close contacts should also self-isolate whilst awaiting a PCR test and depending on their age, vaccination status and whether they have any symptoms, they will be given advice on self-isolation through Test and Protect as appropriate.

If guests who are isolating can travel home safely to isolate, avoiding the use of public transport, they should do this.  In the event that this is not possible, if guests are able to isolate safely in holiday / temporary accommodation, this may be advisable.  If such an extended stay is necessary, unless otherwise provided for in the contractual terms of the booking, the guest will be expected to pay the costs of an extended stay in all but exceptional circumstances. Those who test positive for coronavirus should not travel by public transport or take a flight. If possible, they would be able to drive themselves home.  If the guest is either unable to travel home safely or to isolate within their current accommodation (for example if there are shared facilities, or risks cannot be mitigated to protect staff), the guest should discuss this with the NHS Test and Protect team. The guest may be signposted to the National Assistance Helpline on 0800 111 4000 if they need help to isolate and cannot arrange it themselves or through friends and family.

In some circumstances further discussion may be required with the local Health Protection Team and local authority to ensure that the person has suitable accommodation to isolate safely and effectively.

After the required period of self-isolation, guests and anyone else in their party who has been affected can then return to their main place of residence.

Link to Government Guidance.